
FocalPointEMR Brochure

The FocalPointEMR system is made of seven main components, working in succession to filter out TSS, fine particles, nutrients, oil, grease and metals. Runoff initially filters through a Gabion Barrier which prevents larger trash and debris from entering the system. Runoff then enters the Biofiltration System, where the stormwater percolates down through a mulch layer, engineered media and bridging stone before it enters the modular box underdrain. Once the modular box underdrain is full, runoff flows into the secondary treatment system. Here it percolates down through activated carbon char, which absorbs heavy metals, fluorides, iron and organic molecules. Then, through FS-50, an iron enhanced activated alumina on top of the underdrain that reduces dissolved contaminants.

Date: August 27, 2020| Name: FocalPoint| Document Type: Biofiltration / Bioretention| Document Category: Permanent BMPs / Stormwater Systems Solutions / LID / SWQM| Size: 1.7 MB